Snacks for the team

When it’s your turn to bring the snack for your child’s team, do them a favour and offer food that helps re-fuel and rehydrate. And, give the snack after the game or practice not at break. After the game, the body is primed for absorbing nutrients. The ideal choices for post game snacks will replace the energy, fluid, vitamins and minerals that kids have depleted during the game.

After-game snacks for re-fueling

Try one of these ideas when it’s your turn to bring the post-game fuel. These suggestions provide nutrients for recovery and won’t interfere with a child’s next meal. Some of these ideas can be purchased at the grocery store on the way to the game – great for nights when you’re in a rush.

Vegetable sticks, rings or pieces (No - I don't bring glass cups to the game but you could put the cut veggies in a paper cup and even put the dip in the bottom)

Fresh fruit: bananas, melon wedges, apples, peaches, plums, strawberries, etc.

Photo from Realhealthyrecipes
Fun tip

  • Make fruit kabobs (skewer fruit on straws or popsicle sticks for safety)
  • Freeze grapes or berries for a refreshing, juicy treat

Photo from Frog, Goose and Bear
 Yogurt tubes – frozen or refrigerated

White or chocolate milk
Mini-pitas with cheese cubes or strings
Whole grain crackers with peanut butter and banana  (use soy or almond butter if peanut is a concern)

Fruitsicles made with 100% fruit juice

Milk pudding, yogurt cups or unsweetened fruit cups (don’t forget the spoons!)

These ideas are from All Star Snacks from the City of Hamilton

Go to this site for more ideas on food for active children as well as information on food safety and sun safety.

Have fun feeding young athletes!                                  Michele, RD
